New Quizzes
Status - Approved

Tool Description
New Quizzes is a new assessment engine built to meet the assessment needs in your classroom today and in the future. Leveraging modern technologies, New Quizzes features include a series of feature enhancements and new item types, and bring workflow improvements to what is commonly encountered in Classic Quizzes. 
Overview of New Quizzes
Instructure has released New Quizzes, a new quizzing tool for Canvas. New Quizzes will eventually replace Classic Quizzes, however, this will not happen all at once (view timeline above). We recommend using the quizzing tool that best meets the needs of the course while familiarizing and preparing for when New Quizzes will become the standard.There are innate differences between the New Quizzes and Classic Quiz features. New Quizzes offers several features and question types that are currently unavailable in Classic Quizzes. However, New Quizzes does not currently have every feature traditionally available in Classic Quizzes. Please note that Instructure will continue to add to the New Quizzes feature set over the next two years. For an up-to-date comparison between New Quizzes and Classic Quizzes, view this feature comparison document. For a timeline of features coming to New Quizzes, view the timeline of features.
Tips to aid in deciding between Classic and New Quizzes |
Tip: The Canvas Quizzes tool now houses both Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes. When you create a quiz, you'll be asked which type of quiz you want to work with. On the Quiz index page, icon styles differentiate between Classic and New Quizzes. Classic Quizzes have an outlined icon of a rocket ship, whereas the icon for New Quizzes is a solid (filled in) rocket ship.
Converting Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes
Workaround for Migrating Question Bank to Item Banks
Instructure has provided the following workaround if you would like to start migrating your question banks that are linked to a Classic Quiz to item banks that are linked to future New Quizzes.Support
For more information regarding this tool, please watch the CTE's video resources on our YouTube channel, or contact LMS Support.