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Learning Management System

Learning Management System Texas A&M University Learning Management System


LMS Implementation and Operations

Following the selection of Canvas in January 2020, the learning management system (LMS) architecture and implementation partners included the university’s former Office for Academic Innovation, Division of Information Technology (now Technology Services) and Office of the Registrar as well as The Texas A&M University System. Current LMS operations include a partnership among the Center for Teaching Excellence, Technology Services and Office of the Registrar. LMS governance includes executive and advisory committees and academic liaisons.

LMS Executive Committee

This committee is comprised of upper administration for the purpose of making decisions related to how technologies within Texas A&M’s digital learning environment are acquired, implemented and used by colleges/schools, central offices and site locations. 

Tim Scott

Tim Scott

Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Jeff Burton

Jeff Burton

Vice President for Finance & Deputy Chief Financial Office
Ed Pierson

Ed Pierson

Vice President for Information Technology & Chief Information Officer
Juan Garza

Juan Garza

Associate Vice President for Enterprise Application Services
Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson

Assoc. Provost for 
Academic Enhancement
Mauro Sericano

Mauro Sericano

LMS Project Manager

Digital Learning Environment Advisory Committee

This committee advises upper administration on items related to Texas A&M’s digital learning environment. The committee is comprised of members from Faculty Senate, Graduate Operations Committee, Academic Operations Committee, Technology Services, Academic Liaisons, undergraduate and graduate students, and Academic Affairs. 

Jana McDonald

Jana McDonald

Technology Services
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Kyle Page

Technology Services
C.J Shields

C.J. Shields

Technology Services
Mauro Sericano

Mauro Sericano

LMS Project Manager
Justin Dellinger

Justin Dellinger

Academic Affairs
Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson

 Assoc. Provost for Academic Enhancement
Aubrey Davis Image

Aubrey Davis

Undergraduate Student
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Tamra Walderon

Graduate Student
Lisa Brown

Lisa Brown

Academic Liaison
Lexis Fentanes

Lexis Fentanes

Academic Liaison
Kimberly Ritchie

Kim Ritchie

Academic Liaison
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Jennifer Dworaczyk

Academic Liaison
Ted Seidel

Ted Seidel

Academic Liaison
Catharina Laporte

Catharina Laporte

Faculty Senate
Asha Rao

Asha Rao

Faculty Senate
Terri Helge

Terri Helge

Graduate Operations Committee (GOC) Representative
Wayne Versaw

Wayne Versaw

Academic Operations Committee (AOC) Representative

Academic Liaisons

Academic Liaison

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences 
College of Architecture
Shelley Smith
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Dentistry
College of Education & Human Development
College of Marine Sciences and Maritime Studies (Galveston)
College of Medicine
College of Nursing
College of Performance, Visualization & Fine Arts

College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
Dwight Look College of Engineering
George Bush School of Government & Public Service 
Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy
Mays Business School
School of Law
School of Military Sciences

School of Public Health
Texas A&M University at Qatar

Guiding Principles for the DLE

The LMS Implementation Teams have collaborated with the Governance structures to build the following Guiding Principles that serve as the foundation for how the Digital Learning Environment is supported at Texas A&M:  

1. Single University Template Applied to all TAMU Courses

Purpose: The Texas A&M University template is automatically applied to all courses in Canvas to enhance the student experience and is 100% accessible out-of-the-box. This template is in place to create a consistent experience across all courses at TAMU so students can easily navigate and predict the structure of their courses.

We have curated resources to better assist in enhancing the template. If you have already modified the template and would like to move content from one semester to another, view the Copying Canvas Materials Between Courses section to determine which method you should use to move content, guidance on both methods, and additional best practices for setting up your course.

Below is a timeline of noteworthy milestones for how the template has evolved since its inception: 
Summer II
70 published courses
Used accessibility checker and instructional design to ensure accessibility
23% of course sections published in Canvas
Added dedicated Instructor resources
Created student-facing Academic and University resource pages
Applied student feedback from Fall 2020 to create the Syllabus page
Streamlined the left-side Navigation based on Instructor and student feedback
Accessibility rating becomes priority with a 54% accessibility scoreFirst full semester exclusively on Canvas
98% Accessibility score
96% of 100 and 200-level courses using Canvas
100% Accessibility score
Reduced embedded files from 250 to 138
Reduced storage capacity of the template files from nearly 8 mb to 2.85 mb
Consolidated University and Canvas Resources page for student ease of use
Adjusted page Heading structure for ease of use and accessibility, including Syllabus page
Moving forward, we are exploring the use of individual templates per subaccount (representing each school, college, or branch campus), although we would do so balancing our commitment to accessibility and student success.

2. Training Requirements for Course Associate Roles

Purpose: Course Associate roles that would like to be added into a course in Canvas are required to complete and stay-up to date on training offered through TrainTraq. These trainings were carefully selected by the LMS Implementation teams to ensure those individuals in these roles that receive access to sensitive material such as student grades are compliant.

We have also created a process to allow for non-student employees that do not receive access to TrainTraq to have an opportunity to complete the required training 

3. Section Merge Deadline Ahead of the Start of a Semester

Purpose: As course sections are automatically provisioned for instructors, TAMU has launched ORCA where instructors and Academic Liaisons can request to merge sections of Canvas courses. When course sections are merged after students interact with a course, which typically is after the first day of classes, those interactions are lost and cannot be recovered. To prevent the loss of student interactions, we have applied a course merge deadline that falls before the start of classes. 

4. Third-Party Tool Integration Process

Purpose: The LMS Implementation teams have collaborated on developing a third-party tool process that encompasses a call for requests, security and accessibility reviews, FERPA compliance, testing, and integration in Canvas. This opportunity to participate in this process has been extended to Academic Liaisons to submit the requested tools for their Academic Units.

Requested tools will move through the process and their status is updated for the campus community to stay up to date on where their requested tool is in the process. Once approved, the tools will be implemented at the requesting unit’s subaccount where the Academic Liaisons will lead the training and support for the tool. 

5. Course Storage Capacity

Purpose: In an effort to promote student success in teaching and learning, all courses at TAMU have been provisioned with 1 GB of storage. This quota allows for faculty to leverage cloud storage solutions so students can securely access content without requiring them to download and load files. 

6. TAMU System Records and Retention Policy

Purpose: TAMU System Records and Retention Policy requires the Instructor of Record to export and securely store student academic records (e.g. completed class tests, examinations, course papers, and instructor grade books) for safekeeping for one year past the course end date. After the Instructor of Record submits final grades in a course for posting on students’ academic transcripts, the Office of the Registrar is the official records custodian of the permanent academic transcript.

Courses in Canvas at TAMU are available for students to interact from the first day of the start of term until the last day of the late grading period. This policy has automatically been applied to all courses. After the last day of the late grading period for the term closes, the course will be available as read only to all users.